The “Fancy Closet”
A Project From 2008–2009
THE PASSAGE between our dining and living rooms has a closet built into it. We assume it was meant to be a china closet, and for years, it did serve as a dumping ground for various dishes and crockery. Then, we — or I — decided to convert it into a computer nook. Over time, and for whatever reason, the nook became known as the “fancy closet.”
The built-in shelves were removed and replaced with supports and wire rack shelves from the Elfa system. This all hangs from the back wall. Custom work included one MDF shelf a particular depth not offered by the Elfa system and an MDF desk surface with a cabinet hanging beneath it. Two speakers were also mounted in the ceiling of the closet. For power, we had an electrician install two outlets in the closet.

The fancy closet looking southeast

The boys and I have spent many an hour hunched over this surface

The fancy closet looking northeast